This sure-to-be fabulous sculpture was requested to be placed on the cross for lent. I thought it would be most excellent blog content. Better apologize in advance for any irreverence.
And so it begins...
True Confession. I have a somewhat intense fear of wet paper. You know how some people really hate spiders, and when they find one in their house, they shut the door and refuse to go in that room for a week? That is how I feel about wet paper. I will happily capture and free Charlotte for you, but knowing there is wet paper in the other room makes my skin crawl. Blech!
As an art teacher, I have learned to suppress this fear so the kids can experience the joy of paper mache ( I guess, I don't know how anyone can enjoy such a thing). But, this project is happening at MY HOUSE. I have to sleep there.
I always make a big production of telling the kids not to tell me the paper mache glue looks like snot because that is silly and unnecessary. But, y'all, it really looks like snot! #facingyourfearsfortheLord.
Here he is...